The homeless humans of St George’s Crypt
We worked on a pro-bono project for a local homeless charity called St George’s Crypt, after a conversation with a man and his dog on the streets of Leeds compelled us to try and help in any way we could.
– Social media content campaign
– Brand partnership
– Social media advertising
– Link up with Humans of Leeds to document the stories of homeless people in the city, who’ve been supported by St George’s Crypt
– Tell their stories on social media, with powerful photos amplified with emotionally-connecting captions that challenged stereotypes and gave very real messages around what it’s like to be homeless and what causes it
– Support with social advertising to maximise reach.
– The response to the photoseries, which were shared hundreds of times, ranged from the inspired, to the thankful, with floods of people commenting on the pictures
– The social media-first campaign generated PR coverage in The Huffington Post, Yorkshire Evening Post and Yorkshire Post.